Daily Athletic Updates
Upcoming schduled athletic events ...
Spring Sports Information:
Feb 18 & 19:
* Softball Tryouts - 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Gym)
* Girls Lacrosse Practice Begins - 5:45 - 7:00 pm (Gym)
* Boys Lacrosse Practice Begins - 7:00 -8:30 pm (Gym)
February 24
* 7th & 8th Baseball- Tryouts begin - 3:15 - 4:30 (Gym)
February 24 & 26
* Boys Track Conditioning - 3:15 - 5:00 pm (Indoor/Outdoors)
-Practice Begins - March 3 - 3:15 - 5:00 pm
February 25 & 27
* Girls Track Conditioning - 3:15 - 5:00 pm (Indoor/Outdoors)
- Practice Begins - March 3rd 3:15 - 5:00 pm
March 4 & 6 -
* Boys Tennis Conditioning - 3:15 - 5:00 pm
- Tryouts Begin - March 11 & 12 - 3:15 - 5:00 pm
- Practice Begins - March 13 - 3:15 - 5:00 pm
Sports Information - What to Know
Spring sports information for baseball, softball, lacrosse, track and boys' tennis have been posted. Please go to the Spring Sports tab and click on the sport your are interested in. Dates for conditioning and tryouts for each sport as well as coaches contact information have been posted as well.
Contact Us
Athletic Director
John Bernans
Athletic Trainer
Caitlin Janoski, MS, AT
OhioHealth Sports Medicine
Office: 614-718-8549
Fax: 614-761-5893